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Buses, Boats and trains to get you there

To get information about the times of local buses press the City Buses button on this page and select 'Bus Times', then roll the page and press the number of the bus you are interested in to get the timetable.

If you don't know what bus you want press the button and look at Maps and Index

Brighton and its neighbours have a fascinating history. Some of the people associated with the area are commemorated on the local buses. Here are just a few of the names and why we see them. We will select some each month.

If you'd like to know why a particular name is on a bus use the City Buses button on this page, the Brighton and Hove Bus Company site website has them all.

Journey Planner

Plan any trip. Even local coutryside. This site covers trains buses etc, national or local. Fantastic but slightly tricky. I have tried to explain how it works

When you press the Travel Line symbol you are taken to the Journey Request page. This is for people who don't know what services they would/could use for a journey. If you know, say the Route number of the bus, you can use the Timetable page. BUT if you don't know, then this site is definitely for you!! It is fantastic and well worth a few minutes to get to understand how it works.

The first section is when you decide when you want to do the journey. Straight forward.

The next two sections are where you put in the journey start and end points. There are three boxes for each point, they both work the same.

The first box is for general location, so - town or village name. (Enter county if there is more than one place in the UK with the name)

The next box is a bit of a funny one. Its job is describe what you are going to enter in the THIRD box. It has a drop down list and you choose one. When you first see it, it has 'Postcode - enter post code below'. If you know the Post code and you ARE going to enter it then you leave this box alone. BUT if you are not going to be putting the post code in you have to change it. The arrow at the side of it has options. Choose.

If you can't elaborate at all, then select 'Locality (Centre) - leave box below blank.' I suppose this is telling the system: 'I only need to go from/to the centre. I don't have or want any more information than that'

If you know the address, but not the post code select 'Address - enter address below'

If you know the name of a point of interest e.g. town hall , then select 'Point of Interest - enter name below'

If you know the station/bus stop name you want/leaving from and you are going to enter it select 'Station or Stop'

Be careful to click outside of the box after you have used the drop down that your cursor is freed and you can scroll down. The third box is where you put the thing that matches the description you selected: Post code; nothing at all; point of interest name; or station/stop name.

Repeat for your destination:

So, for example: From Brighton Address - enter Addresss below 15b London Avenue

To Wilmington Sussex Point of Interest - enter name Long man of Wilmington

Or  From Brighton Locality (Centre) - leave box below blank

To Wilmington Sussex Locality (Centre) - leave box below blank

Next, scroll down the page to complete other information about you. e.g. You can specify no buses if you want to, or no trains, by clicking on it etc. You can specify your walking speed and the amount of time you want to spend walking. Also, whether you want the fastest way to get there or that the least number of changes is the most important etc.

Press submit

The systems will the work out all the various ways you can get there. If it doesn't present the list press submit again to make it come up.

You can then look at the list of ways you could make your journey. There are symbols to indicate walking bits, train bits, bus bits etc. If you change your mind and want to see if you can travel at a different time there are earlier and later arrow buttons. Once you are happy with the timing, press the long green button called "Show me these route details" and the system will give you a detailed diagram of each one with times, bus numbers etc. You can also get details of individual bus time tables/ maps etc. You can press for return journey.... It is AMAZING!

I hope I haven't made it sound too complicated, it isn't at all. The second button confused me is all...... Have a mess about. This site means you can find out how to get yourself any where, car or no car, as you choose, go for non circular walks etc. Wonderful stuff. freeeeedom to explore.

Stagecoach, Out of the City

City Buses

Bus Times then bus number for the timetable.

National Express, Long Distance Buses

Nationwide Trains

Ferries and Eurotunnel

To the Isle Of Wight


Megabuses (v cheap)

Posted in 7 Directory Community, Preston Pages Community, The Post Community on Nov 05, 2006